Roast Sweet Potato, Lentil and Spinach Salad

Great for gut health, perfect for meatfree monday. This is a delicious dressing and takes no time to put together. Roast Sweet Potato Lentils and Spinach Salad with a Dark Tahini Dressing Serves 4 2 Sweet potato peeled and cubed 1 tbsp oil 1tbsp Ghormez Sabzi (Optional, See below) 1 tin puy lentils (precooked, 240g Weight) 4 large handfuls baby spinach washed 25g feta shaved … Continue reading Roast Sweet Potato, Lentil and Spinach Salad

Spiced Chicken & Sweet Potato Pancakes

Warming, Filling, Easy – whats not to love? If you are vegetarian then simply sub the chicken with some lovely beans into the sauce and use veg stock. Indian Spiced Chicken with Spinach and Sweet Potato Rotis Serves 6 6 chicken breasts 2 white onions thinly sliced 4 cloves of garlic peeled and mashed 2” piece of ginger peeled chopped and mashed 2 tsp ground … Continue reading Spiced Chicken & Sweet Potato Pancakes

Home made Sweet Potato Based Granola

  You read that right, this is my Secret Ingredient Granola based on sweet potato which has been peeled, steamed or boiled and cooled – I just cook extra and keep some leftovers! Stores for a week or 2 in a zip lock bag or kilner jar. Serve with yoghurt and fruit compote for a delicious blood sugar balancing, fulling sustaining breakfast. Sweet Potato Granola … Continue reading Home made Sweet Potato Based Granola

Quick Thai Style Sweet Potato Soup with Toasted Coconut

November and the cold is here so it’s Soup for what ails you, nothing does it like a bowl of soup. I’m chock full of antibiotics, pain killers and what not so was glad for this, when you cant eat there is always soup. Thai style Sweet Potato and coconut Soup Serves 6 Ingredients 1 tbsp vegetable oil 2 tbsp ginger garlic paste 1 medium … Continue reading Quick Thai Style Sweet Potato Soup with Toasted Coconut

Autumn Eats….Indian Spiced Sweet Potato Gratin

This dish was actually an accident, I was going to make something else with spinach, discovered that it had gone completely green and watery in the fridge so I had a look around to see what else I had and came up with this. Its really easy, just like a classic gratin but with the addition of the toasted cumin seed, makes a delicious warming, … Continue reading Autumn Eats….Indian Spiced Sweet Potato Gratin